Hovo Trans B.v is strategically located in Europe’s busiest port of Rotterdam and is capable of receiving VLCCs. Specialising in fuel oil and middle distillates, ETT offers more than 1,100,000 m³ capacity. Across its 28 tanks the terminal handles K1, K2 and K3 products including methanol, naphtha and jet fuel.
We also send out information on an annual basis to residences and businesses near our pipelines. This improved awareness reduces the likelihood of an emergency, and also helps reduce the impact if there is an emergency or fuel leak. Hovo Trans B.V. maintains a strong commitment to safety, and measures our success by the health and safety of our neighbors, employees, and environment. In addition, we regularly provide training to our emergency response community.
The company number for Euro Tank Terminal BV is 24363713 , with a safe number NL01271836. Effective Date: Oct. 10, 2011, midnight Issuing Country: Netherlands
Profile Industry Sector: Logistic Services
ISIC: 5210: Warehousing and storage
NACE 08: 5210: Warehousing and storage
About: Storage services for liquids Trading Address: Moezelweg 151